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Journées Européennes du Patrimoine : Puiseux-en-Bray

Journées Européennes du Patrimoine : Puiseux-en-Bray

Fêtes et manifestations

21 September 2024

On the occasion of the European Heritage Days, come and discover the church of Saint Pierre de Puiseux-en-Bray, which opens its doors at 2pm on September 21st. Built in the 16th century, the nave was rebuilt in 1789. Most of the windows, formerly decorated with arcades, have been rebuilt in brick. Inside, you can admire a wealth of magnificent furnishings dating from the 14th to 17th centuries. Free admission.

Dates of the event

  • 21 September 2024 — 14:00 - 23:30

Journées Européennes du Patrimoine : Puiseux-en-Bray

Eglise Saint Pierre


  • Free — Accès libre
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